Everything You Need To Know About Getting Cash For Cars In Las Cruces NM

When your vehicle breaks down, you have to make the tough decision of whether to repair it or scrap it. Unfortunately, many people have old, non-functioning vehicles parked in their yards, sitting at their curbs, or taking up space in their driveways simply because they cannot afford the high costs of repairing them. The good news is that Action Towing & Rescue is here to help. We buy scrap cars. Read on to learn everything you need to know about getting cash for cars in Las Cruces NM.

If you cannot afford to repair your vehicle and need cash for other transportation options, getting cash for junk cars is the best choice. We’ll tow your auto away free of charge and pay you for it in the process. We see value in vehicles that aren’t worth fixing. We part these autos out or offer them as mechanics’ specials. We have the labor, space, and customer base to turn your trash into treasure.

Selling to us is extremely easy. Just tell us the make, model, and year of your auto and give us a fair estimate of its current condition. We’ll make an offer based on these and other factors, including current market conditions. If you accept our offer, we’ll make arrangements to pick up your car and its title right away. Best of all, you don’t even have to be present to make the trade. We can leave your check in the mailbox, mail it to you, or send you a digital payment. Our team will also take care of all the transfer paperwork.

We offer a vast range of services to help drivers who are down on their luck. For instance, we also provide vehicle rollover recovery, general accident recovery, and towing services along I-25 from El Paso to Albuquerque. We even offer flatbed towing, RV towing, luxury vehicle towing, and more. We’ve worked hard to build a trustworthy brand for many years and you can count on us to deliver right when you need it.

Whether you need indoor storage, property cleanup, towing signage for your commercial property or rental property, or some quick cash to help you get back on your feet, give us a call. We’ll give you money for your old vehicle so that you can put a down payment on a new one. Simply call 585-523-9337 today to get started!

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